
-88. eccentric family members or teachers

everyone will leave some memories of childhood, but these memories are not necessarily all good. Parents casual remark, a minor setback, are likely carved in the hearts of young scars. Psychology that were experienced by some of the early stimulation of the formation of different psychological shadow of one's life can not produce the desired effect. Let us recall properly, in childhood, which we have had unpleasant memories, they still affect our character, habits? What should we avoid these shadows appear in the hearts of children?
1. parents often quarrel, worried about their divorce
2. has been that the parents are perfect, but found They have bad behavior
3. parents divorced
4. feelings between family members and or opinions are not always inconsistent
5. foster care in another home
6. living in single-parent families
7. families living in the restructuring
8. wake up at night Mom and Dad gone
9. ; without parental care
10. parents are not caring for the elderly
11. home of frequent replacement nanny to take care of the child or direct the person 12. ; parents or people close to suffering more severe disease
13. parents or people close to the more sudden and unexpected
14. felt that their parents do not like their
15 not prepared to parent-child separation
16. parents in front of the children showing pessimistic mood
17. frequently move
18. no communication with the baby on the turn garden
19. maltreatment or corporal punishment by parents
20. by adults forced to eat or drink
21. family when the child in the face of others, said the child ; mistakes by adults abuse
25. questions or make adults feel uneasy laugh
26. to set up a child too much restricted
27. crying when they were forced to ban
28. by their parents as a punching bag
29. are often intimidated by adults
30. was publicly critical of
31. their interests are always adults suppressed
32. parents always take a child's weaknesses and strengths of others more
33. parents often face in front of children and 34 baby talk to others no matter how hard parents can not get the recognition
35. adults often feel bad body language, such as: do not look so good
36. forced to do what their parents do not like to do
37. parents overestimated the child's abilities, the total number of power can not do something
38. parents to buy things are not a favorite
39. by their parents forced to dress as they wish
40. was misplaced childhood upbringing
41. have had to stay independent experience in a dark place
42. heard the horror stories
43. to see the violence, gore, horror lens
44. by age or older children bully
45. heard a strange noise
46. nightmares
47. have had long experience of being alone in a strange place
48 to the dentist or injections
49. were scared off
50. subjected to sexual abuse
51. mistakes are caught on the spot live
52. wandered over
53. publicly embarrassing
54. to cherish their parents or other people's things and broke
55. can not find a favorite toy
56. hungry
57. birth to a serious illness, there is a painful treatment experience
58. was beaten
59. encountered bad guys hijacked
60. by threats or intimidation of older children
61. abducted over
62. ; always sleep enough sleep
63. suffered mental patients
64. be certain types of public officials (eg police) to scare off
65. in choke tub or swimming pool water
66. foreign body stuck in the throat or into the ear
67. by animal attacks
68. was on the height
69 burns had
70. electric shock
71. wear very tight clothing or shoes
72. suffered a serious injury
73. some food for bulimia sick
74. been wronged or have been treated unfairly
75. feel that they are not beautiful, cute
76. being laughed at But others are not always recognized
79. get the teacher's pet, what 81 family financial difficulties, children are often ridiculed wear 82. children laugh at their parents
83. to ask for help when they were refused
84. ; for some physical defects have been insulted, ridiculed
85. and their own children do not always play
86. and the children to play with the total marginalization of
87. ; material desires are not met, people are always some things that do not own
88. eccentric family members or teachers
89. and the best > 90 family members or teachers to live up to their trust
91. bedwetting by others know
92. kindergartens, there is a general with his
93. in an important game lost
94. there is the sudden death of their loved ones
95. see other people have relatives in the home death
96 someone in crime
97. witnessed the accident and other
98. the family pet accidental loss or death
99. cartoon baby favorite character died
100. witnessed the slaughter of animals do not think the child is too small, not by things, the parents an ugly face, a violent action, a compulsive behavior, can give the baby deep inside at the left indelible wounds.
these wounds may be hidden just right, so that we can not see, but they will at some point in the future to put the film as a child as adult life nightmare, and has since affected the child's life. Do your children feel depressed? So please behave properly in their behavior! Development of the child's nervous system is far from perfect, they are not only in physical and behavioral dependence on adults, and in stronger psychological dependence. Things around their relative lack of cognitive ability, self-awareness is still very vague, control and understanding of the scene, are also relatively weak, some adults seem trivial incidents. It will harm the child. They had a profound psychological impact. Some children may thus suffer from phobias, depression or anxiety disorders. Let the children build self-confidence may require a long process, destroy the child's self-confidence is easy. The United States regardless of the child, ugly, fat, thin, cute, naughty, or IQ level, understanding the child, respect for children, parents embrace as children experience psychological turmoil calm haven. So, no matter what the child suffered, he will have a strong confidence and courage to face.

