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a woman can not let their cold cold
the root of all trouble. Poor woman cold blood, cold hands and feet, and dysmenorrhea. Poor blood, president of spots on the face, the body's energy can not moisturize the skin, the skin is not angry, so many women, like perfect skin like fine china, but not in youth, to say the least sense; and some young women, no matter how long beans beans or great life. Even more frightening is that our reproductive system is the most cold-blooded, once the body is too cold, it will choose a long more fat to insulation, our chairman of fat under the navel. Once sufficient blood warm, these fat no longer necessary, automatically will be vanished.
First, mm their diet, eating only vegetables and fruits, not afraid to eat fat, red meat, fruits and vegetables of cold and cool in the majority. In fact, red meat is the boon of women, especially beef and lamb, all with a lot of iron, can effectively prevent anemia. Anemia mm natural pale face.

second, mm are mostly white, sitting at the computer every day to work, work backwards watching TV, wearing high heels are really not suitable for hyperactivity. Gg Kaijulaijie out on a date, buy a gym membership does not take twice a year. Because sitting too much blood are silt in the lower abdomen. Sweep the flow of blood is not always the backlog in our pelvis, pelvic inflammation, how can you not long. Once the inflammation, the face will naturally yellow and spot. Even will not inflammatory, non-blocking blood flow in capillaries in the skin, uneven skin tone will be.

third, mm their beauty, with the recoil underwear to his waist tightly, in fact, that point with no. Beam too tightly, your reproductive system is no blood supply, more cold, more cold on long fleshy. Now that winter is popular to wear a skirt ah, here is a thin socks, the entire lower body is cold, cold starting from the foot thing.

said so much, we do not do is to cold beauty, eat red meat, ginger, red dates, animal blood, rice wine, cherry ... ... In short, the iron-rich or moderate things; some good stuff like white fungus, lemon, do not shoot what to eat during menstruation; pay attention to insulation, do not drink too much ice things, drink hot drinks; not old stay in air-conditioned room, and do not want to grace not to temperature, a cool autumn also wear Lu Qizhuang. Winter is the best foam insulation of hot water, not to save gas, taking a dip in the hot water thirty minutes, plus massage, and then the body will heat up the cold. Can not bath feet is required. And then not holding a cup of hot water all day, embrace hot water, cold woman is perfectly justified.

two, a woman speaking to a woman hormone
really poor ah, from first menstruation to menopause is more than 400 pieces of egg, really is a small one, so run out, we as a small will basically over the fate of beauty, and just try to make an elegant old lady. Each time the process of ovulation is a hormone metabolism, hormone levels were normal woman, his face ruddy and delicate. Metabolic bad woman, his face will be a variety of problems, every time I examination in the hospital, peep those to treat women's diseases of the woman, his face sallow face one spot, all bear.

of course, too many bad hormones, and sometimes the result of too much hormone is really good especially the skin, I know a woman 40 years old, his face still beautiful than the girls, and later had to know was very ill with hormone treatment will, as consequence of which is the proliferation of breast and uterus, which is too extreme. This hormone is artificial and natural hormones is different, many have a two-way adjustment function, can inhibit the hormone too. For example: soy, pomegranate, yam, angelica, fennel, Hashima, royal jelly ... ... the most effective and efficient is to drink milk, because soy contains traces of two-way adjustment function of estrogen, can be a cheap drink.

said that Japanese women later menopause than Western women is the result of taking high doses of soy products.
here make a, period not longer the better. Because genital lesions or if there are relatively weak, the menstrual cycle is too long, long time without the normal reproductive cycle, hormones stimulate the will of premature aging. .
According to the survey before the age of 40 women taking soy is enough. After 40 years of age or royal jelly can be added Hashima. Hashima good to eat, but now they can eat, like once a week, make the skin more good things, but the uterus president. Royal jelly to start drinking after age 40, and can delay menopause and alleviate menopausal symptoms. Milk and royal jelly can be external, raw milk can be used to make fresh water mask, residue can be used to massage the body scrub, royal jelly can also be facial, cosmetics cheaper than natural, all good stuff.

most important thing is to cherish your body. In particular, married women, if you do not pay attention to health or frequent abortion, or inflammation caused by adhesions, the reproductive system will suffer heavy losses, and then how to restore it hard to face Oh. An ectopic pregnancy may cause the total loss of ovarian function. In another case, suspect that infertile women, with the conservative approach of traditional Chinese medicine nursed back to health and exercise more secure. Do not use Western ovulation induction drugs, in order to enhance the chance of pregnancy (twins wants some mm), Western medicine can promote you once discharged rounds of eggs, but after your ovulation is suppressed at the expense of function. You want, an organ too hard this month, next month is not to break it. But you can not let it rest Praying eager, ever use of drugs, because even if the egg is ranked a number of pieces, we can not guarantee a successful ovulation drugs can make you a discharge six eggs, think of a woman's life was 400 , how many months you can waste ah. Once too much, or even suppression of ovarian function will be seriously premature, it is premature, the foundation of your youth is gone. As the saying goes there is life there is hope, the Chinese often say, Third, women have to conserve their water
woman is made of water thing, juicy to face, eye to be watery. But according to Chinese claims not to support the water, but to Yin. As I have said, a woman long Peas but not so strong yin yang deficiencies, insufficient yin Han Yang, shown is the anger.

. For example, the flavors had very. Bitter salty spicy food, all we need to reconcile with the gas, which is anger. But then, some MM heavier taste, pressure or a bad mood one day, I'm afraid to want, or a bowl of spicy boiled fish Shaanxi Liangpi happy about. Lunch is included in the food flavors in a taste, in fact, just food and it does not matter, the key is the spices, especially the spices. China's world famous spice, a bowl of food inside, such as allspice, is cinnamon, star anise, fennel, coriander seeds, pepper and five kinds of spices, most will then add ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, orange peel, alas I have a few clear the ... ... these foods taste very heavy loss of our water! If their temperature is not moderate, but particularly cold or hot dishes especially on the more wear and tear layer.

have snacks! After deep-fried or baked those things are very crispy. Fried things people know, deep-fried is the process of dehydration thing. Taste is good, but the food off the water into our body, it will immediately absorb water in the body, you feel so eat a lot of dry mouth. In fact, it is not absorbed by water, but the body of the body fluid. I understand that is a kind of mucus, and water is the same as incomplete.

and our feelings, and if you do not Ning Jingping, but anger, depression, sorrow, ecstasy, wonder what this does in the workplace, but we have to use the body in the air to neutralize it.

. With mucus (colloid) something particularly good, such as pig's trotters (like stew, spicy forget), frozen fish (frozen fish scales), Maw (that is, the fish swim bladder), white fungus, chicken cartilage, shark's fin. Light soup taste better because it will stay in the body longer, and will not be excreted as water too quickly. Woman is nourishing them, and this may be nothing wrong ah. Also, air-conditioned room to drink plenty of water or a humidifier.

have some of the water body and the metabolism of smooth enough. Water retention in the body of the people will become fat, more like a layer of fleshy herve leger vintage, round face, bulging supra shoe sales, swollen eyelids. MM are usually deposited ice or tea leaves eyes. It is only a temporary tactic. Body of water retention is the kidney and lymphatic problems. Intake may also be caused by too many high salt foods. Many diet pills contain diuretic ingredients, but also to exclude the main body of water, will increase the burden on the heart, lead to undesirable consequences.

solve many ways, such as low-salt diet, or massage the lymph and kidneys. The body's lymphatic more concentrated in the neck, armpit, thigh. You can add a little at night moisturizing bath oil massage these areas, or rub your hands massage the lower back, promote blood circulation of the kidney.

there is a therapeutic method, taking the melon. Cut off the skin, the flesh and seeds labeled with juice in blender (must use seeds, the most effective way to it), in the pot, and other sticky juice, add sugar and cook for a while, after cooling condensate into one. Eat is to drink tea with a spoonful of the amount. This summer drink is really super clean kidney waste, or a good way to eliminate excess moisture. Your little face will become very strong, small waist is Oh.

four, UP, is the upward force

often massage the abdomen to maintain vitality of the abdomen, the most recommended yoga for abdominal breathing. Very simple, whenever possible, pay attention to their breathing, abdominal breathing to swell, so that abdominal expiratory adduction. Before going to bed or when waiting for the bus a few minutes training, you can get a good belly touched. Hand massage is a force, but with their own breath can mobilize the body force. There is also a simple enhanced version of: fasting, when standing with legs shoulder width, can be slightly bent legs, try out best to inward breath while flat belly, and put up the atmosphere, adhere to a moment, the natural inward tight anus closed, chin attached to the sternum, and then slowly inhale, return to normal until the lower abdomen. This action is very tired, started to do like three times, and gradually added to five times. Often do, the degree of adduction of the lower abdomen will be more and more, massage internal organs to get better, intestinal dirt will be removed from the body more effectively, waist thinning, digestion will become better.

standing or lying down when the pressure is often lower my eyes, look at his lower abdomen, but also can eliminate bloating, excluding oil and waste in the intestines. To use their energy to exclude these things. And a different diet pills, your body is very aware of what they should excretion, drugs do not know, it will good things such as the body with water taken out, and body fat savings environment has not improved, and soon will heap < br>
summer, though hot, but the yang in the table, chi in, the visceral side is cold, easy to diarrhea, so eating warm stomach ginger; winter yang adduction, internal organs but is dry and hot, Qing Wei Huo eat carrots. Again, I eat meat, do not eat the same every season the meat, I eat a lot of red meat fall and winter, the spring and summer, eat more fish and duck. If we are to eat, regardless of season, may need to clear the fire Shique eat something hot to death. Moreover, there are a lot of plus-season vegetables, chemical composition, swelling agent sweetener or something, like a beautiful but no flavor, chemical residues accumulate in the body and damage our liver and kidney. Chemical stuff too much, they are a good heavy task of detoxification ah.

six, eat food full of flavor
a complete food, energy and utility is complete, separated not so matter. Such as eggs, protein is cold in nature, the yolk is warm, add up to eat, is of flat. Lychee is the most heat, the lychee skin is cool, so I taste lychees eat enough of this approach is, let's use some skin clean to drink tea. Eat a lot of orange at the fire, but the orange peel but can phlegm. Rough or even suggest that you eat raw food, is to ensure that some parts of the food has not been removed. We eat rice, rice germ was basically removed. Then made of rice cakes, basically no useful things for people.

Sometimes those things we throw away more useful than eat. We do not know why they eat food. Such as corn, corn in most cosmetic effect of corn germ, corn cob that is close to a small semi-circular thing, which is rich in vitamin E, and we spend big money to buy and eat wheat germ oil is an effect. I eat corn super awkward, is left out in order to ensure that small germ. Besides fish to throw away the scales, in fact, contain a large number of collagen in fish scales, fish scales and bones of fish-scale boil frozen, freeze better than leather. Grape skin and seeds more useful than the flesh, but we eat flesh, skin and seeds to spit, and then spend money to buy grape seed extract has always beauty. In fact, the market buy the raisins with seeds, dried seeds inside, crunchy, good food, but also laxative, treatment of allergies.
. MM were recommended to eat whole food, eat a little food, STRING small fish sesame shrimp, their energy is the most complete.

but sometimes our bodies will be some special cases:

1. such as the nervous, the dimension B will be a substantial body metabolism, in order to ease the pressure we can add dimension B. For women premenstrual tension syndrome, stress big time, and a woman drinking coffee.

2. Vitamin C can prevent sun burns the skin, exposure or after summer back from the coast, you can add an extra dimension C.

3. calcium when adding dimension to D, but at the same time more than the sun.

a cup of lemon tea, as is seen as the beauty products saint of vitamin E, eating corn, sesame seeds to make up.
milk: drink a lot of tricks, rose, ginger, and longan, and a variety of almond milk, bananas, strawberries, papaya, tomato, a variety of shakes, the Provincial one can add a paper membrane attaining. Milk is attaining a super good stuff. Can be white, calm the skin, especially after the summer sun and the skin to restore moisture. Milk contains milk acid, mild acid than cosmetics. Attaining a must in the evening, before the sun during the day no longer be president of attaining a trace. Winter with ordinary milk, use skim milk in summer, but the acid in milk fat in milk, so the effect of skim milk whole milk is not good. My compromise is to make their own half-fat milk: the milk in the microwave, cooled to form the top layer of clothing, that is fat can be removed once a part of it torn off fat. Separated for a while and then exposing a layer, essentially fat-free milk has. So you can control the amount of milk fat, milk attaining not long Peas, Oh is the secret.

olive oil: olive oil to soften skin. Self-made mineral spray in a little olive oil drops, used hair spray, hair hard, dry, spray later become supple, but also to prevent sunburn hair. Olive oil can also be put on the body, has been wiping his hand to the foot, it does not have imagined greasy, wiping washed with hot water after a while just fine. In summer, the first wipe, and then shower gel. Olive oil to soften the skin better than any lotion I used.

beer: a missing dimension in front of that B will play dander, and brewer's yeast contains a large number of dimensions B, so the rest of the beer drinking can be used to shampoo. Water to wet the hair first, then topped with beer, with a towel wrapped over a very kind and then wash your hair like normal. O'Neill has previously beer shampoo that good use, now can not find.

honey: sugar is more heat, and eat dessert boots in style 2011, you can drink sugar instead of hot, cold drink is a honey. Honey is not bad, it is in itself inhibit bacterial growth. Gastric ulcer in the stomach to drink it can form a protective film table, where the ulcers are protected. Similarly, honey can also skin, inhibit bacterial growth of skin, with honey attaining a more simple, even the paper membrane are saved, by the way you can use it to massage the lips, hands and feet, so they get a little special care.

pollen: vitamin content of foods in the two most complete most abundant is the pollen and mushrooms, so under normal circumstances do not eat the pollen has more vitamin supplements. Pollen is plant sperm ah, containing a lot of nucleic acid, nucleic acid is the best source of food. Like a baby can eat the MM Oh, sure you can pass on good genes. Pollen contains trace hormones, however, do not eat after a pregnancy. Pollen wall surface generally have a layer of pollen, it is not broken, it can not absorb the nutrients inside. So it's time to brew a little hot water, and crushed with a spoon to drink them all.

eight, said Yin Yin
we, in fact, relative to the different organs of anger said. Anger different people in different places, some big stomach fire, heartburn, bad breath; some people anger Wang, temper all day; some have lung fire, hot cough. But I think most of the MM are no diseases, only a temporary imbalance in the body, there is nothing a little bit of anger, no need to mess medicine. I was busy all day to do anything in favor of the fire, and other body go it really a fire. Because it is difficult to grasp the scale, been to, and too cold and stomach injury. Usually the best light varied diet, emotions do not go to extremes, the heart level on the gas level.

Yin lot of things, as we drunk wolfberry, nourishing liver and kidney. Put in the porridge, a little less medlar. Another example is bitter to Firelight, the South used it in the summer soup, bitter melon or pineapple juice drink labeled.

there are many: white fungus, Fructus Mori Albae, Ligustrum lucidum, Polygonatum, duck eggs, sugar, ginseng, duck, lily, squid, lotus seeds, coconut and coconut milk.
bird's nest, is very nourishing. Yin Yin Ye that nourish the body. Swallow's nest is saliva, after condensation into gel, used to protect Xiaoyan. Once picked, my mother had to swallow and then spit, to no saliva, it will vomit blood, that is, people think the most nourishing blood Yan.

Hashima, the Northeast one kind of frog fallopian tubes, and the effect is similar to bird's nest, but Hashima with hormones, as bird of peace. If once a week to eat a small amount of hormone is good, generally increases with Hashima stew coconut milk, coconut milk is relatively cool, so no problem.

hand, if we have to get angry, go to nourishing, as from the beginning not to get angry, get angry easily or modern tone is finished eating too much grain and too little too weird rich. In fact, grains are righteous, complements the air is the best.

the human body from the natural environment, access to adequate food nutrition. But if we all industrial products from agricultural products rather than to obtain nutrients, food processing companies how to survive? So they advertise and even change our concepts of nutrition, so we feel that after numerous processed foods than just the things off the ground better.

rice wine is a good thing, especially in winter, it can fill the stomach, lung benefits. Can raise the gas temperature, strong upright, the body will warm up. In winter, add some red dates, longan, peanuts, simply prime the blood side of the breast. Homemade ways: steamed glutinous rice and let cool, mix some wine and song, and then dug a hole the middle (the wine that is seeped into the hole), the jars with a blanket to wrap the whole, put the wine to float a few days out. If Riga Ligustrum lucidum or wolfberry wine, wine is his daughter.

very ordinary sesame green beans beauty ah, if you eat a green bean cake and sesame paste did not add too much sugar and preservatives. As it is not added who knows. Industrial society is so Well.
MM without fear of long beans, red meat is widespread dare eat, feel the heat of red meat. If you do not like the meat you can eat itself, iron supplementation in other ways also. Such as eating dark red fruits, cherry, strawberry, mulberry, red dates. Temperature will eat the fruit of light is too low, for fear the heat will not add too much red meat, spices, stew like. Better add some vegetables, such as carrot and roast beef, lamb hot pot while eating tofu and cabbage.

long beans, there are many possible, if the hormone, you can drink soy milk made with the mask; special period made beans, drink some Motherwort blood stasis; for pressure, eat foods rich in vitamin B and calcium food. Hot days, attaining the water can be bactericidal with honey (honey is not bad to put it in itself bactericidal)
Do not eat too much too cold things, like the turtle Yin Ling cake itself is a good thing, but eating too much , or eat too much ice will hurt the stomach. Once a small bowl, eat cool autumn on the line. Cold hands and feet and also eliminate the old beans do not trace, indicating that in vivo there is congestion in the period before and after a certain warm, eat warm things. Stomach is not good MM, you can do when increase barley stew, or steamed barley pressed into the mud to eat, the stomach can be nursed back to health. Barley to improve large pores and dark spots effectively
thirty long after the so-called Mature beans, not Qingchun Dou. Qingchun Dou is caused by the sebaceous glands strong, our general there is a small endocrine does not transfer caused a lot of activities in the pelvis, so that the blood throughout the lower abdomen smooth, such as the hips, shaking hips, or thighs stretched ligaments, have contributed to this site the blood circulation.
Peas There are two types of stomach Yun-heat type, Peas red, attack large, can be extruded powder, dry mouth, constipation, toothache bad breath while embolism; blood stagnation type, color Peas dark red or purple, menstrual exacerbations.

fruit vs juice

only lazy, no ugly people. Seriously in favor of this sentence.

listing of all fresh fruit juice and drink. Tomato cucumber juice with a little rose, a super whitening drinks. Pineapple juice (add a little salt when squeezed) not only tastes better, and bromelain to help digestion, while the guilt of eating the fleshy MM is the savior. Ye Hao papaya, papaya contains papain and papaya enzymes to help digestion, break down fat Oh ~ (according to the authority of the State without breast papaya research function!)

Some might say, do not eat the fruit directly on the end, Why do strenuous labeled as juice. Fruit is generally a strong sense of fullness, eating two fruits belly to eat, you can drink more fruit juice labeled, nor increase the burden on the stomach. You can also process a variety of fruit juices with the compound.

made the best supermarket in the sugar too much. Their system can add rock sugar, rock sugar than white sugar moist. Home-made soy milk has other benefits, would like to add kidney beans, peanuts can be added to the blood, but also make almond tea. You can drink this autumn lungs cough.

hot tea
reason only that hot tea, is afraid of everyone in the hot and dry weather, when greed drink herbal tea and iced tea. Speaking of thirst, hot tea better. Hot, the gastrointestinal function almost normally, and then iced things very hurt stomach. Drink hot tea that was the feeling is not fun, but after the body is thirst. In fact, tea will warm the food in the effective stuff to run faster throughout the body, iced tea, no such effect.
Recommended: Mangosteen a small, rose flowers 3-5, 3-5 pieces of red dates, wolfberry 10. Hot brew that pot of tea, the Mangosteen Qingre, lung, cooling, clearing the lungs relax and thirst; although there are sweet and calorie-free; dates spleen and stomach, qi and blood; Wolfberry eyesight, nourishing liver and kidney; roses blood to regulate menstruation, liver qi. A cup of hot tea hot day when you'll feel the sweat on his forehead immediately.

morning to drink salt water
If there is no high blood pressure or kidney problems, drink salt water just as well. A little light as possible on the line. Brine can remove the toxins and anger stomach. Constipation to eat sweet potato is very effective.

● spot
spots now generally corresponds to the uterus of the problem, and a long spot on the cheekbones and the liver qi stagnation. If the nose and mouth in anger around the stomach is relatively large.

● Wei Huo Wei Huo large

Notional. Real fire manifested as eat good hunger, abdominal discomfort, mouth pain, dry mouth, dry and hard stool. Available gardenia, light bamboo tea to drink. Showed a slight cough, virtual fire, eating less, constipation, abdominal distension, tongue, little coating, can eat a yin role of pear juice, sugar cane juice, honey and so on. Well done to not justify the level of medication, diet to restore just fine. Less popular Sim irritating, fried food, eat light food and fresh fruits and vegetables

● yellow skin, uneven color, eye corner spot, hands and feet cool, dry skin,

color yellow shows liver and kidney function is not busy; eye spots corresponding to the uterus breath poor; cold hands and feet is a common problem MM; reproductive system is generally more cold; blood does not reach the body of energy General skin, the skin will be drier. The skin is just a peripheral, it corresponds to the vitality of internal organs.

nursed back to health reproductive system is a whole thing, not to eat a little food or medicine on the line. Exercise, diet and lifestyle have a relationship. Once nursed back to health is good, it's not just a good position, the ovaries, pelvic, uterus and other organs will be correspondingly better, the skin is just all kinds of problems with the elimination of the effect. Objectively speaking, the two drugs rely on eating a cure soon, or a spot at the Peas is not possible, throughout the human body is a loss for both a prosperity.

special period of pain
combat weapon, is ginger. Many people may have tried ginger in pain when drinking it. Drink one or two results are not necessarily obvious. Ginger is the best warm the body, and the drink did not like motherwort have side effects. Must be ginger, in the coming days or the first day of feeling pain when eating. Whittled the ginger slices (ginger skin must be retained), as much as a few pieces, the better the more spicy, add a few tablespoons of brown sugar. Do not be afraid of high heat, women in this period will not be a lot of sugar and fat. Can amassing a bubble, you'll feel the two cups will drink Chuyishenhan to, the pain can be immediately reduced. The key point to be enough ginger tea to be hot enough. Add a little red dates and longan. With boiling water soak ginger tea. Drink hot ginger tea.

