
supra shoes- Would you

Can you ? Would you? Which boys can do so magnanimous

- you dare to have a good opinion of all of your generous introduction to the opposite sex: This is my girlfriend, I only found a woman?

- you dare to reject ambiguous, get rid of the foul problems and when the single so-called

- you dare not give their burning our bridges supra shoes for kids, dedicated only to her Superman?

- you dare to call you in the boiling temper when she tightly hugged her mercy?

- you dare to say that the brothers useless when you are still held her hand and said:

- you dare to hold her to sleep but do nothing supra shoes, even if the idea has gained the upper hand crooked?

- you dare for her efforts to become mature their own good, and always love her?

- a bit long of you dare, do not get the treasure, aloof until you get awkward?

- you dare to kiss her hug her often Herve Leger 2012, she felt she was always lovely in your eyes, you always feel like she needs her?

- you can not remember your every anniversary, remember that today is the first few days together?

- you can not vexatious cranky when she gave her enough of a sense of security, not to her impatient?

- you can not very cold in the cold winter also insisted her home, hug her, then go upstairs to see her leave?

- Can you holding her hand at all times, whether it is crossing the park, or in front of friends, teachers?

- you can not remember what she said carefully, then pay attention to the things she likes, she kept sending you a gift?

- you can not deceive her, she is not cold, do not ignore her?

- can you 24 hours a day for her in her nightmares that someone could coax her to sleep at night?

- you can not just treat her as vases, there is something she would say, a decision will be looking for her to discuss?

- you can no longer freely, just to save money to take her to eat good food, to want to go?

- you will not introduce her to your parents, even if she is not the type they like?

- you will not take the initiative to apologize after an argument, even if she was wrong, you do not have the heart to blame?

- you will not beat the best heart that she is a wonderful girl, Once you have do not want nothing?

- you will not get sick when she led her to the injections, and then look at her red eyes hold fear, grabbed her hand tightly holding her?

- you will not 'accidentally' to remember her favorite, she does not eat, and she was afraid of what she was allergic to insects?

- you will not take her to see new releases of movies, and handed her an ice cream on, then she laughs you laugh, you coax her cry?

- what you dare, you can what you will it?

- you dare in the public eye to say

- your personal signature in the QQ dare write

- you dare to leave the blog for all to see you give her a love letter you?

- you will cry when she was holding her do?

- you will be confident about your future, look like you?

- who would you give her to write or read only her gentle sentence you know?

- you will gently call her baby do?

- you will see something in her eyes when the thought of having left secretly to buy it, you gave her?

- you will go to her secretly earn a little money, just buy her a gift for you?

- you will love her firm do?

- what a man can be so magnanimous?

- touch his conscience, is not a hypocrite?

